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  • Local Authority Announcement-School Closures to remain from 1st June 2020 until further notice

    Thu 28 May 2020 Mrs Nickson

    Last night, school received notification that Lancashire County Council do not support the wider opening of schools at this time.

    The information is included below:


    Lancashire County Council is advising schools in the county not to open to more pupils from 1 June, but instead to continue with the current arrangements. This is because, in our assessment, we do not currently meet all five of the government's tests in Lancashire which would allow this decision to be taken safely.


    We will regularly review the situation and provide further advice so that we can advise schools to open to more pupils as soon as we judge it safe to do so.


    We are actively encouraging schools to follow this advice.


    Government advice for schools and parents


    The government has released the following direction under scientific guidance regarding the re-opening of schools on June 1st:

    · Nurseries and other early year providers, including childminders, are to begin welcoming back all children.

    · Primary schools are to welcome back children in nursery (where they have them), reception, year 1 and year 6.

    · Secondary schools, sixth form, and further education colleges are to begin some face to face support with year 10 and 12 pupils.


    We do not expect these pupils to return on a full-time basis at this stage.

    Local assessment


    The government's five tests are outlined below:


    · Protect the NHS’s ability to cope. We must be confident that we are able to provide sufficient critical care and specialist treatment right across the UK.


    · See a sustained and consistent fall in the daily death rates from Covid-19 so we are confident that we have moved beyond the peak


    · See that the rate of infection is decreasing to manageable levels across the board, although we don’t see the results of all tests in a timely manner. 


    In addition, we are starting to see social distancing not being followed everywhere across the county which poses the risk of new cases to rise.


    · Be confident that the range of operational challenges, including testing capacity and PPE, are in hand, with supply able to meet future demand.


    · Be confident that any adjustments to the current measures will not risk a second peak of infections that overwhelms the NHS.


    Locally, we are currently able to meet the requirements of the first three tests; however, we do not meet the requirements for the final two tests.

    The test and trace programme is not at a state of readiness to respond to Covid-19 community setting outbreaks in a timely manner, which poses a risk to school environments. Furthermore, we are not confident that adjustments to the current measures of the lockdown policy will not risk a second peak of infections locally.


    Consequently, our advice to schools is to not re-open to more pupils on June 1st, but to continue with their current support systems that are in place.

    The safety and wellbeing of children, their families, and school staff outweigh the benefits of opening schools of 1st June.


    The key information supporting this advice is that:


    · The current support system in schools for children of key workers and valuable children, which is how we describe our vulnerable children, is sufficient at this time. Additionally, safeguards are in place in Lancashire to support those children who are at risk in the community, and this support will continue.


    · There has been no evidence of education outcomes worsening due to the effects of government lockdown policy.


    · It is not going to be possible to implement social distancing in early years school settings.


    · There is currently no evidence of widespread immunity in community settings.


    · There is a significant risk that should outbreaks occur in school settings, the current system will not allow for tests to be conducted in a timely manner and therefore, the virus will continue to spread.


    Schools will be kept well informed on a regular basis from the Director for Public Health in Lancashire and Lancashire County Council. We will regularly review the situation and provide further advice so that schools can re-open as soon as it is safe to do so.


    In this challenging time, we recommend that everyone continue to follow the government advice of staying alert by:


    · Staying at home as much as possible.

    · Working from home if you can.

    · Limit contact with other people.

    · Keep a 2m distance from other people.

    · Wash your hands regularly.


    Dr Sakthi Karunathini

    Director of Public Health and Wellbeing

    Lancashire County Council


    Whilst this is disappointing news, our paramount concern is the safety of our whole school community and as a school we must adhere to the recommendations of our local authority at this time.

    Therefore, unless instructed, school will remain closed and will not open on 8th June as initially hoped.

    We miss you all; stay safe.


    All the staff at RAMJS

  • Digital Newletter 22.05.2020

    Fri 22 May 2020

    Please find attached a Video Newletter with additional information below:





    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Firstly, a massive thank you for the support you and your families have shown to us during COVID 19.

    It has been great to keep in touch with everyone via Seesaw/Email/Phone. Seeing and hearing about all the wonderful things the children have been doing has helped us feel closer to you all and we are so proud of our children. 

    In the current circumstances you have all been amazing, and you are doing a fantastic job. I know you are doing this whilst being busy working, juggling home schooling and family commitments so congratulate yourself and take the praise you deserve. Think of all the wonderful things you are doing and have achieved with your children. You are providing emotional support for them in challenging times; you and your child’s/ children’s well-being is paramount. We are all on our own journey currently and circumstances are different for each one of us. At this time, when there are so many uncertainties, working together as a team/family, knowing we are all in this together can help give us the support and stability we need.


    As you are aware we have continued to remain open during the crisis to support those children and families of critical workers and for those children deemed to be vulnerable. We appreciate the time you have taken to support your child with their online learning.


    You will be aware the Prime Minister has announced that, at the earliest, there could be a possible phased extension of the opening of schools from the 1st June, depending on the five government tests being completed.


    Following the Government announcement about the possible Phased Re-opening of schools from June 1st 2020, the Senior Leaders and Governing Body at RAMJS have been working on assessing the risks of increasing the number of children and staff in school.


    The guidance makes it clear that each governing body has responsibility for decisions made at this time, and must plan any reopening based on what they know about their community needs, facilities and staff availability.


    So in line with this advice from the Local Authority, and providing scientific evidence supports it, we will be extending the proposed opening date of our school to Year 6) to June 8th at the earliest and subject to the 5 government tests and scientific evidence supporting a safe phased return for children and staff. The Key Worker provision will continue to run as normal since 23rd March 2020.


    It is not yet decided when other year groups will return but ideally all children will be back at school as soon as it is safe for them to be there and social distancing measures can be implemented. We will send details of how children will return (staggered start and finishing times, social distancing measures etc.) in future notifications.


    As previously explained, the Government have identified a long list of recommendations for us to follow in order to prevent the spread of COVID 19 once schools are phased open. Below is some of the changes planned to support a safe return to school:


    • Increase hand washing and added hand santisation units
    • Increased cleaning throughout the school
    • Limited children to ‘Bubbles’ of 10 children and 1 Adult
    • Put social distances measures of 2 metres throughout school
    • Staggered Start/ Break / Lunch / Finish times
    • Cashless System for lunch payments etc. via ParentPay
    • Limited all parent access to site unless in an emergency
    • Families/staff will be expected to practice social distancing (until government restrictions lifted)


    We have started preparing school for the return of some of our children, for example – further deep cleaning, the packing away of non-essential items, re-arranging furniture etc. As you can appreciate, school will therefore look and feel like a very different place.


    We will continue to liaise with you, regarding the next steps to extending our school opening.

    I know it can be confusing with so much information to take in but if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. As you can appreciate, information is changing rapidly and this can alter the plans we have made but you can rest assured our main focus in anything we decide is for everyone’s safety.


    Thank you once again for your understanding and team work, together we will help each other stay strong and face the ever changing situation. Stay safe.


    I would like to wish you all a lovely May half term holiday and a very Happy Eid for those of you who will be celebrating.  You remain in our thoughts and prayers.  Stay Safe.


    Warmest Wishes



    Mrs. F Nickson




  • Social Stories

    Tue 19 May 2020 Miss Musa
    Please have a look at the Covid-19 SEND section on the class pages for social stories. These are simple stories to help your child understand the current situation and are specifically designed for children with Autism and SEND 
  • Home Schooling Help for parents and carers of children with dyslexia

    Mon 11 May 2020 Miss Musa
  • Covid 19 Update

    Mon 11 May 2020

    Following the Government announcement last night about the possible re-opening of schools to certain Year Groups (YR, Y1 & Y6) RAMJS will be working closely with the Local Authority in order to ensure, if and when we are instructed to open, we will do so safely and with clear guidelines for families. 

    Please continue to be patient and know that we will keep you informed accordingly.

    Stay Safe and Take Care x

  • A message for year 6

    Mon 11 May 2020 Mrs Tipton

    This week should have been SATs week. We are so incredibly proud of all your hard work this year. Hopefully the poem will make you feel better about this week.  

  • Helping Children and Young People to Learn in Very Different Circumstances

    Wed 06 May 2020 Miss Musa

    Acorns Psychology is the Educational Psychologist Service that we use in school. They have sent some very useful information on how to 'Help Children and Young People to Learn in Very Different Circumstances'which includes links containing pertinent information & Government updates which I hope you may find useful.  This is in the Covid-19 section of the website.


    Acorns are also carrying out phone or skype consultations throughout the duration of the school shutdown. Should you have a potential requirement, they are offering a free service of 'Additional Support' for any of parents who may be struggling during this time. 



  • Cards for Kindness

    Tue 05 May 2020 Miss Musa

    Help reduce loneliness in older people during COVID-19 by sending a message of hope.

    Loneliness is a growing problem among older people, and in care homes it can be a particularly difficult issue to resolve. Figures from Age UK show that 200,000 older people have not had a conversation with friends or family for a month, and 60% of people in care homes get no visitors at all.


    Cards for Kindness is an initiative which aims to reduce loneliness in our care homes by encouraging members of the community to send a card to a local care home. 

    It's always lovely to receive a card through the post and this often sparks conversation and encourages residents to talk to each other. Research shows this has many health benefits, especially for people living with dementia. This is even more prominent amid the coronavirus pandemic as visiting is suspended.


    How you can help

    To send a card all you need to do is write one, attach a stamp and pick a local care home to send it to. You can find your local care home in the lists on the link below


    See how creative you can be with the materials you already have at home, or see what you can pick up whilst you’re shopping for necessary supplies and post during your daily exercise.


    The Cards for Kindness project was originally set up by Lancashire County Council in summer 2018 and has since grown and developed across the partnership with more local organisations lending their support and more than 100 care homes now participating.


    Click on the link for more information.


    I am sure lots of people would love to receive a card from you.

  • Reading Challenge

    Mon 04 May 2020 Miss Musa

    Hi everyone, we thought this might be a nice challenge for you all to join in with.

    Send your pictures to your class teachers on Seesaw. 


    Let us see some of the obscure and entertaining places that you or your parents like to read. We all look forward to seeing them!

  • Covid-19 SEND newsletter- support and resources

    Fri 01 May 2020 Miss Musa

    SENsational Learning Ideas


    Dear Parents / Carers,

    This is a SEND newsletter to support you with ‘learning at home’ with your child.


    Adjusting to learning at home

    We know that this is a time of adjustment for families and we hope to give you advice to support you. We have found a useful home learning website which you will find at


    This includes activities which, not only focus on the curriculum, but also on how you can support your child’s wellbeing and manage the situation at home.


    There is a special area called SENsational learning to help you support the needs of your child. We will be sharing the SENsational learning ideas with you through this newsletter and these include:


    · Skill Builders

    · Calm and Happy

    · Be Creative

    · Stay Active


    Thought for the week:


    “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”


    Theodore Roosevelt


    You are the ones who best know what you have available and what the interests of your child are.


    We have listened to parents about how they are managing this new situation and we have given some thought to suggestions for this. We hope these help.

    • Remember that in your role as parents / carers you have always been a teacher to your children.

    · You run the show - you know your child well - do what is best for them.

    · Do not feel under pressure to do all the work the school has sent home if you don’t feel able to. Keep it manageable for you and your child.

    · Plan your own routine that suits your family - some structure will help you.

    · Remember that you will be spending more time together than usual so it is important to keep things positive.

    · Give ample time for breaks and to have fun.


    How do I decide what we are going to do? Here are some ideas…


    · Have a blank piece of paper on the wall, anyone can add things they would like to do during the day.

    · Some days / week you might like to pick a theme and follow your child’s interest.

    · Consider things you can do in the home - the website has a link to the Change 4 Life site ideas for indoor activities and to the CookIT! website with recipes, a historical cookbook and activities about food.

    · Add things you can do outside for example talking, observing, counting, exploring and gardening.


    This week’s activities you might want to try


    Some of these are more geared to primary aged children, but older children or adults might enjoy these too.


    Skills Builders activities


    · Paired reading is a wonderful way to support your child with their reading. This YouTube video gives a demonstration of how to do paired reading with your child -

    · Memory games are a great way to improve your child’s memory. This YouTube video shows how to play Kim’s Game -

    · Audio books are useful learning tools for all age pupils and adults alike - especially if you listen together and talk about it -


    Calm and Happy (wellbeing)

    · Be Active Kids have provided a bubble recipe, instructions to make bubble wands and 25 fun activities to do -

    · HuffPost have published 37 techniques to calm an anxious child which has ideas for primary and secondary


    Be Creative

    · For primary illustrator Mo Wilems invites you into his studio to join his LUNCH DOODLE and explore ways of writing and making together –

    · The Drama Geezers are posting a daily video on their YouTube channel with drama games and activities you can do together at home to suit all ages –


    Keep Active

    · Be Active Kids provides a list of 50 activities children can do using a cardboard box - from box bowling to obstacle courses –

    · NHS Wake and shake Change4Life and Disney have teamed up to bring you Shake Up games - 10- minute bursts of fun to get your kids moving.


    I hope this may be of use to you. Take care and stay safe.

    Miss Musa

