Waste Free Wednesday Packed Lunch Challenge
RAMJS Plastic Pledge – Ditch the Plastic
Children in Year 5 and 6 have been looking at the devastating impact plastic is having on our oceans. We are therefore as a school trying to be more eco-friendly and use less single use plastic.
As such we are going to run an initiative on Wednesday 18th October. This will be called Waste Free Wednesday. There will be rewards for the most eco- friendly packed lunches.
The children in Year 5 and 6 have created posters to advertise the event as well as posters with tips on waste free swaps. They have also produced some videos which we will share on facebook and our website. They will also share an assembly with the rest of the school next week to promote the event!
This initiative encourages pupils to bring the most eco-friendly lunches that they can – with as little single use plastic as possible in them so that there is as little waste as possible going in the bins.
Small changes to how a packed lunch is put together can really help to reduce waste and help the planet. Here are some tips to make a packed lunch as waste free as possible.
-Put sandwiches in a reusable container, an ice-cream or margarine tub or beeswax wrap, instead of wrapping in clingfilm or foil that end up in the bin.
-Buy family size packs of crisps, biscuits or yoghurt and transfer small amounts into reusable containers each the day, instead of buying multipacks of individually wrapped items. It will mean only only piece of waste at the end of the week and will be cheaper!
-Look for recyclable packaging such as paper, rather than plastic
-Use a re-fillable drinks bottle or flask instead of single-use cartons, cans or pouches.
-Have fun baking treats with your children. When packed in a reusable container, home baked treats usually create less waste than shop-bought, pre-packaged items.
-Batch cooking of pasta or soup which can be brought in in reusable containers
-An extra piece of fruit is a healthy alternative to packaged snacks or precut fruit packed in plastic. If your child finds it a challenge to eat a whole piece of fruit, cut it into smaller pieces and pack them in a reusable container.
Please help us on our mission to help the planet by joining the challenge!