Subject Lead - Helen Booth
Link Governor - TBC
Click on the link below for additional information:
Our Geography Curriculum Ethos
At Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School, we want to encourage and inspire pupils to not only develop their knowledge and skills, but to also enliven their curiosity about the world around them through their geography studies. We strongly believe that our pupils should be inspired to learn about countries all over the world as well as learning about the geography of their local area.
Our Unique Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed specifically to meet the interests of our children as well as meeting the National Curriculum expectations at Key Stage 2 in Geography. Fundamentally, our geography teaching does not only take place in geography lessons, but also infiltrates other areas of learning. This can be seen in the Lower Key Stage 2 topic 'Around the World in 80 Days' which encompasses many other subjects areas. For example, in computing the children will be looking at landmarks around the world and in English they will be reading 'The Boy who Biked the World' as well as studying part of the classical text 'Around the World in 80 Days' by Jules Verne. We want to encourage the children to make links between their learning which will deepen their understanding of the world around them and inspire them to become the next generation of geographers, or perhaps even explorers!
Geography and Our School Values
Love - We foster a love of learning geography within our pupils.
Hope - We are hopeful that our pupils will leave us with a well-rounded geographical skill set.
Faith - We encourage our pupils to have a strong faith in their own abilities.
Courage - We believe that our pupils should have the courage to give things a go and be brave!
Respect - We encourage our pupils to respect the world around them. We have only have one so we need to look after it.
Ambition - We inspire our pupils to be ambitious; a famous explorer perhaps!
Years 3 and 4
Throughout years 3 and 4, pupils will be using maps, atlases and globes to gain a greater understanding of the continents and countries around the world. They will be encouraged to ask questions as well as draw comparisons between their local area and areas within North America and Europe. They will also be provided with opportunities to carry out projects, fieldwork and surveys with their class members.
Years 5 and 6
Throughout years 5 and 6, pupils will build on their skills acquired in Lower Key Stage 2. They will be encouraged to use resources such as maps and atlases with greater independence as well to further develop their geographical enquiry skills. They will look at issues such as land use and types of settlements, gaining an understanding of how and why these have changed over time. Another area of learning will focus on grid references and compass points in detail, using ordnance survey maps to underpin their learning.
Geography Policy
Click below to see what we have been doing in Geography!