Our commitment to music:
Every child at RAMJS has a quality 1hr music lesson ever other week. This is taught to half a class at a time, as we feel it is important that every child has access to quality teaching input and resources.
The learning is progressively planned and as a school we use and adapt Charanga/Out of The Ark/Sing Up to support our music teaching. These resources are combined to form the best teaching resources to suited to the needs of our children.
Children are given the opportunity to sing individually, as a small group and as a whole school. Singing is encouraged as we enter and leave our collective worship space and the song choices link to the aspects of the curriculum we have been covering.
Children have input into what they learn and this may be Pop Song adapted for our Harvest Assembly or bespoke Sea Shanties to link our literacy lesson to our music.
We have increased our musical resources so that we can deliver progressive music teaching that builds on skills from our previous year groups.