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Internet Safety

Internet Sharp

During our lessons on being Internet sharp during Autumn 1, we looked at the role of cookies and how to protect our data. 

Cookies 🍪

Still image for this video
What are they and how to stay safe

Internet Alert

In Autumn 2, children looked at copyright, intellectual property and fair use. They decided if scenarios were fair use or 'copywrong'!

Do you know the difference?


The children then created a copyright free video about Remembrance by using images from Adobe and pixabay. 

Scenarios to think about

Remembrance (copyright free)

Still image for this video

Internet Secure

After reminding ourselves about strong passwords with a Quizizz quiz, we looked at the importance of keeping up with updates. We looked at some past cyber attacks that could have been prevented if users had updated their apps or operating systems! 
