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Our Foundation Subjects 'Uniqueness'

Our Unique Foundation Curriculum is built around the interests of the children and whilst topics have been developed around a 2 year rolling cycle, they can be adapted and changed to ensure that our curriculum remains unique to our school.


The staff team at RAMJS have built the curriculum using the National Curriculum as the basis from which to build our learning topics.


Each subject meets the National Curriculum objectives but has been weaved into topics of interest.


Where specific areas are suggested, for example in History, school have entwined these topics into the School Curriculum to ensure that we are meeting our legal expectations and ensuring that learning for all pupils is progressive and will support them as they transition from KS2 and into KS3 and KS4.


Where a history topic, for example The Romans, has taken centre stage in the planning of that topic area, other subjects are weaved into the content.


And example of this would be the Year 3 and Year 4 pupils designing and making Roman Purses as a Design Technology focus embedded within the History topic.


The Topic units are planned with a Whole Curriculum Approach in mind so English will continue to follow the theme, where possible, as you can see from the Roman writing work complete by Year 3 and Year 4 (You can see these in our Gallery)



This approach supports the pupils at RAMJS to make curriculum links and enables All subjects to take centre stage within the whole school curriculum.

