Equality Statement and Objectives Equalities Statement
At Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School we are committed to:
The Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 replaces previous anti-discrimination legislation with a single Act. The Equality Duty is set out in section 149 of the Act. It replaces the three previous public sector equality duties – for race, disability and gender – and covers the following protected characteristics:
We ensure that we have due regard to the need to:
School Policies LINK to: Single Equality Policy
The Governing Body will ensure, that in the cycle of policy reviews, that policies and practices are scrutinised to identify the effects they have on individuals or groups of people in relation to equality.
Aims of the School:
Values and Beliefs
Our Vision
Within this truly distinctive Methodist School, our common purpose is to enable every child to thrive academically, emotionally and spiritually and to become the person God intends them to be. We will be a school of which the local community and the Methodist Church are justly proud.
Our Mission
“Brighter futures built with Ambition, Courage and Respect; filled with Love, Hope and Faith”
All at Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School are Champions for Children: we want our children to have faith in themselves to become the people God intends them to be. RAMJS is a voluntary controlled church school serving a diverse community with a variety of complex needs. As a Methodist school we are challenged to ask, ‘What is the work of God in this place?’ We believe that God’s purpose for all people is that they should have ‘hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11). In our context, as a diverse community in an area of significant economic, social and educational deprivation we believe we are called to work for transformation of our children, their families and our neighbourhood. We are in a privileged position to have a positive impact on our locality and the children and families in it.
At RAMJS, diversity and uniqueness are celebrated. Our children are God’s children, made in God’s image. Our community brings together people of many faiths and beliefs into our one school family where we work together to build love, tolerance and respect into all we do.
The needs of our children underpin everything that we do. We want our children to be safe, healthy and filled with courage to embrace ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) in the world into which they are growing up. We aim to provide an ambitious learning experience that is skills based, developmental and suited to the modern day learner. We ‘lift our eyes to the hills’ (Psalm 121) and through exciting opportunities in lessons and the wider curriculum our children will become well rounded, caring, change-makers in our world. Each child is at the heart of all we do with their emotional and physical and spiritual needs being met through our holistic learning approaches so that they can become the best they can be – and are meant to be.
We are an inclusive school where pupils, parents, staff, governors, the local authority and local services work in partnership to meet the needs of the community. We celebrate the positive contribution made by different social, ethnic and linguistic groups.
We believe that members of our community should:-
Equality Objectives
To promote pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular emphasis on promoting equality and diversity.
To diminish the differences between the behavioural suspensions between Pupil Premium and Non pupil Premium children .
To diminish the differences between boys and girls in Reading, Writing and Maths by the end of KS2.
To diminish the differences between Pupil Premium and Non Pupil Premium in Reading, Writing and Maths by the end of KS2.