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Who's Who

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs F Nickson

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs R Bleasdale (SENDCo)

Mr D Smith (Y6)

Lower Key Stage 2 Leader

Mrs C Bloor (Y6)

Upper Key Stage 2 Leader

Mrs K Copping 

(Currently on maternity leave)

School Business Manager

Mrs A Gaitens


Teaching Team

Miss Booth 3M

Mrs Pidcock 3R


Mrs P Child Y3/4 Hive Teacher

Miss Parker 4M 





Miss L Parkinson 4R






Miss Harrison 5M


Mr Cookson 5R

Mr D Smith 6M


Mrs C Bloor 6R


Miss R Parkinson Hive Teacher





Mrs H Tipton

Computing Lead Teacher






Mr S Chesters

PPA Cover



Mrs L Winter

PPA cover

(Currently on Maternity Leave)




             Mrs A France


6RM / Reading For Pleasure




Support Team


Teaching Assistant 3M

Mrs Javed and Mrs Bayliss


Teaching Assistant 3R

Miss K Beetham



Teaching Assistant 4M

Mrs S Patel and Miss Thornley

Teaching Assistant 4R

Mrs R Harty







Teaching Assistant 5M

Mrs W Szymanowska



Teaching Assistant 5R

Mrs S Bradshaw






Teaching Assistant 6M

Miss L Thornley

Teaching Assistant 6R

Ms A Harvey

Hive Teaching Assistant


Miss S Williamson

School Dog


Outdoor Learning

Mr Moran


Outdoor Learning

Mrs Langfield


Family Support Worker

Mrs L Leeming

SEMH/Pastoral TA

Mrs H Tugwell


Teaching Assistant (Hub)

Mrs B Wilson

Teaching Assistant (Hub)

 Mrs S Bapu 



Mrs Z Javed

Sports Coach

Mr N Pidcock


Office Team

Business Manager

Mrs A Gaitens

Miss A O’Mahoney

Mrs A Tattersall


Welfare Team

Mrs R Patel 

Lunch Time Supervisor

Mrs  Parmar


Kitchen Team

Miss M Nugent


Miss H Mitchell


Miss K Littlechild


Site Team

Mr A Moran

Miss K Hughes

Miss H Mitchell


Governing Body



Mr Ken Wales (LA Gov)


Standards and Effectiveness (SEC) Chair

Mrs Susan Penrith (Vice Chair)


Resources Chair

Dr Tony Andrews (Foundation Gov) 


Mrs Fran Nickson (Headteacher) 

                Mrs Roxanne Bleasdale (Governor Observer)

Helen Tugwell (Staff Gov) 

Ruth Millward-Hopkins (Co-opted Gov) 

Mrs Margaret Dilworth (Co-opted Gov) 

Mrs Farah Haq (Parent Gov) 

Mrs Susan Penrith (Foundation Gov) 

Mr John Atkins (Foundation Gov) 

Vacancy (Parent Gov) 

Dr Tony Andrews (Foundation Gov) 

Mrs Gillian Ferris (Co-opted)


All governors have signed the Register of Business Interests (2022)

No Governor has a business interest relevant to the school.

Mr Wales is a Governor at another school.

No Governor is related to any member of school staff. 

