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Internet Safety

To begin the year the children used a free website to make their own word clouds - all about themselves. They edited the colours, shapes and fonts. 






Over the year we will be looking at the 5 pillars of Google's Internet Legends.

For the first half of the Autumn term our focus was on the first pillar of being Internet legends: Internet Sharp. We thought about what we share online and what should be kept private. Using Interland, we were able to decide what was appropriate to share and with who online. We analysed some fake friend book profiles and identified possible dangers from over sharing online.

During Autumn 2 we looked at being Internet Alert and not falling for fake emails, websites and media! We sorted emails into real and fake using top tips we have learnt about looking at the URL and sender address.

During Spring 1 we looked at being Internet Secure and learnt about safe passwords.

As most of us were learning from home in Spring 1, we completed our Internet Secure activities online using Seesaw. Here are some of the resources we looked at.

Video of password rules: Interland - Tower of treasure: A password quiz:

A password safety check site:




During Spring 2, while remote learning we looked at being Internet Kind.

We read messages left online and what we could do about them. 

As most of us were working from home during this half term we learnt about being Internet Kind remotely using seesaw. It also fitted in with Internet Safety day and we enjoyed an assembly from Google's Internet Legends. 


Here is one of the videos we looked at during our lesson, highlighting how positivity spreads and kindness and smiles are contagious! 


During Summer 1 we looked at being Internet Alert and spotting fake websites. Here are some of the websites we were tricked by.


Can you spot the clues that they were full of false information?
