OFSTED May 2022
I am delighted to tell you that in our latest report the school has remained a good school.
Click on the link above to read the report in full.
Here are some of our Ofsted highlights:
"Pupils feel happy and safe in this school. They have positive relationships with staff and feel nurtured and cared for. Leaders have high expectations for pupils’ learning and behaviour."
"Leaders’ ambition for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), is reflected in the school’s values. Pupils know and understand these values and follow them with pride."
"Pupils want to do their best and leaders have ensured that lessons are not disrupted. Pupils told inspectors that when there are incidents of poor behaviour or bullying, staff deal with these quickly and effectively. This allows pupils to focus on their learning."
"Pupils enjoy the opportunity to take part in outdoor learning. They like learning about hiking and using compasses and coordinates. Pupils told inspectors that they like being in the fresh air and painting ‘jars of nature’. This helps pupils to gain wider experiences and take pride in their local environment. Pupils are keen to keep the school grounds free from litter. They learn how to become responsible citizens."
"Leaders have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including for those with SEND. Leaders ensure that staff identify the needs of pupils with SEND and act to provide a curriculum that meets these needs."
"Leaders have prioritised reading. They have introduced an additional reading lesson every day. Teachers read to pupils daily and pupils have the chance to read regularly and independently in school. Pupils are rewarded with new and interesting books for reading widely and often. They enjoy collecting tokens and using these in a ‘book vending machine’. Pupils in the early stages of reading are supported well by staff to catch up. This helps pupils to build their phonics knowledge and to become fluent and confident readers."
"Pupils learn about different faiths and cultures. They are respectful of difference and understand the importance of treating everyone equally. Leaders have designed a wider curriculum to instil confidence in pupils. This helps to prepare pupils for the next stage of their education."
"Governors know the school well and are ambitious for pupils. Leaders have prioritised the workload and well-being of staff. Staff feel extremely well supported by leaders and they are proud to work at the school."
Please see below the data scores from July 2019. Please note that these performance measures are not current.
Performance Data 2019
Area to report on: |
Data: |
% pupils achieving the expected standard in R/W/M |
54% |
% pupils achieving the higher standard in R/W/M |
7.4% |
Average progress in reading |
-1.8 |
Average progress in writing |
-1.7 |
Average progress in mathematics |
-2.0 |
Average scaled score in reading |
101.6 |
Average scaled score in mathematics. |
101.8 |
Area to report on: |
Data: |
% pupils achieving the expected standard in R/W/M |
49% |
% pupils achieving the higher standard in R/W/M |
2% |
Average progress in reading |
-2.7 |
Average progress in writing |
-2.3 |
Average progress in mathematics |
-1.5 |
Average scaled score in reading |
101.3 |
Average scaled score in mathematics. |
102.4 |
Area to report on: |
Data: |
% pupils achieving the expected standard in R/W/M |
52% |
% pupils achieving the higher standard in R/W/M |
2% |
Average progress in reading |
-3.3 |
Average progress in writing |
0.1 |
Average progress in mathematics |
-0.2 |
Average scaled score in reading |
98 |
Average scaled score in mathematics. |
102 |