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Welcome to RAMJS. We hope you find this page useful

Volunteers / External Providers

Please find below important information for any:

  • Volunteers
  • External Provider (e.g. Supply Staff / Sports Coaches/SEND Support)


It is an expectation that all adults working in / volunteering at RAMJS will provide a DBS clearance before undertaking any work in school with children.


When arriving at school, adults are signed in using our Inventory System where relevant I.D. will be checked.


Once entering the school building, it is essential that all Personal Devices such as mobile phones are switched off and must at NO POINT be used, especially around the children.


RAMJS has robust safeguarding systems in place that must be adhered to:

  • All information /conversations heard in and around school remain confidential
  • All safeguarding concerns must be raised immediately with a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Fran Nickson, Roxy Bleasdale, Louise Leeming, Mandy Gaitens, David Smith, Katy Copping, Caroline Bloor.)
  • It is EVERYONE'S duty to safeguard children in school therefore should any conduct by an adult in school raise a concern, the Whistle Blowing Policy can be found below.

