All we can, All I can, All you can
Positive Lunchtimes/Breaktimes
Here at Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School our mission “Brighter futures built with Ambition, Courage and Respect; filled with Love, Hope and Faith” underpins everything we do.
We pride ourselves in providing the best for our children.
Lunchtimes are an important part of the day and are a good way to promote social interaction between children and adults.
Children have the opportunity to learn from each other and work together:
Children are able to promote our values in their play as well as in the classroom; Ambition, Courage, Respect, Love, Hope & Faith.
Our dining room creates an environment where children are encouraged to:
All school staff work together to promote a calm, safe and consistent approach to lunchtimes (and break times) where children can participate in activities of their choice. Activities are provided in different zoned areas of the playground and supervised by adults and Play Leaders.
At present due to Covid restrictions, each class has their own limited box of activities to minimise contact from other bubbles and staggered lunch breaks.
What do our children say about Lunch times?
"I like to play outside with my friends, the adults helps us when we need them. I like to skip with my friends"
"I like lunchtimes because you get to talk to your friends, play games and have fun!"
Heart Room
We recognise that sometimes play times and lunch times can be challenging or intimidating for some children, and therefore we have a number of strategies to help children. Mrs Tugwell & Mrs Leeming offer the “Heart room” where children can go and speak to an adult or simply have time to reflect and chill.
School Meal ordering
Children are asked at the beginning of the day which meal they would like. The children are then issued with a coloured wrist band – Red – Meat, Blue – Vegetarian, Green – Grab and Go, White/yellow – jacket Potato. This system speeds up the service, caterers can see straight away what children have ordered.
All meals are freshly prepared and cooked on site which is in line with Government Guidelines and Local Authority.
Children can bring in a packed lunch, clearly labelled with your child’s name on. These must be taken home each night. Please do not send children with fizzy drinks or glass bottles to school. Also avoid any products containing nuts as school have several children with allergies.
We encourage children to bring in healthy foods. Crisp, chocolate bars and sweets are discouraged. Remember to include a drink. Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle for class each day and healthy snack for break times.
Parents - You MUST inform school of any allergies your child has.
Menu’s change on 3wkly rota – (Click Menu star for current menu)
Menus are changed twice a year. Menu’s are checked using a recognised programme to analyse nutrition and work within the Lancashire Healthy Schools and support the Change4Life campaign.
Staggered lunch times
Lunch times are between 11:45am – 1:15pm
Yr3/4 - 11:45am - 12:25pm
Yr5/6 - 12.25pm - 1:15pm
Each Year group is given a specific time to access the dining room during their lunch break which includes outside play time. Each class is given a specific half of the dining room to ensure class bubbles do not mix. School staff and dedicated lunchtime staff provide supervision and activities during this time. Children are encouraged to tidy away their rubbish, trays and keep their area tidy. Staff clean each table in readiness for the next year group.
Wet play – children are provided with activities in their own class and will access the dining room at their allotted times. A member of staff will supervise them in their classrooms and accompany them to the dining room.