This work is to be completed by those children who are currently in self isolation. More work will be added soon.
Children can also log on to their Prodigy, Mymaths and TTrockstars accounts to practise their maths and timestables. Children have each been given their passwords.
Any work completed on these websites will be checked by class teachers each day.
There are lots of learning opportunities for all subjects on PurpleMash. Children have their own log-ins and can save their work. This will also be checked by class teachers.
Practice your spellings.
These are words we should be able to read and spell by the end of Year 4.
English Story Writing Project.
We have been learning all about animals and their habitats. We have also been reading an adventure story set in the Amazon jungle.
An adventure story is a narrative where the characters go somewhere exciting or dangerous.
Challenge 1: Write your own adventure story using your own characters and your own setting, eg: pirates, underwater, aliens, school, a city.
Challenge 2: Can you present your story in an interesting way?
You could add illustrations or you could make a puppet or toy to go with your story. You could turn it into a book or a comic strip. You could use technology to turn it into a talking story. Could you make your pictures move using levers and pop ups? Or could you create a model to go alongside your story?
Reading Comprehension.
Use these questions to think more deeply and to practice your inference skills around a book you have been reading.