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Cognition and Learning

Our Offer

Conditions associated with this need Route for diagnosis/ screening/ testing

Specific Learning Disability (SLD)



DCD (formally Dyspraxia)

Speak to the class teacher about concerns

Any equipment needed will be provided (within budget allocation) such as coloured overlays/ specific apps to support.


Parents will be informed of any support being provided.

Children may be in a small group with a TA for subjects which cause difficulty.

The child will have an IEP which will include interventions.  This will be reviewed termly with parents and the child. 

Progress will be monitored by the teacher, TA and SENDCo. 


Moderate/ severe Learning Delay

Children will be on an IEP which will be reviewed with parents and children termly.  

These children will be able to access a range of interventions and pastoral support which will be targeted on the IEP.  

Progress will be monitored by the teacher, TA and SENCo.  

Children will be in a small group with a TA for core subjects. 

Children in specific year groups with these conditions may be considered for the 'Heart Room' teaching group. 
