Ribbleton Avenue Methodist Junior School is committed to the safeguarding of the pupils and staff.
Mrs F Nickson is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mrs Bleasdale (DHT) and Louise Leeming (FSW) are the Back-up DSLs. Mrs Gaitens our school business manager, Mr Smith, Mrs Copping, Mrs Bloor and Mrs Tugwell are also a qualified DSL.
All staff receive regular training in regards to child protection.
All staff are subject to Criminal Records checks through the DBS and a single central record is held in school with all the relevant information.
DSL staff and staff working with safeguarding throughout school have supervision on a half termly basis.
All staff have access to wellbeing support to help manage concerns that may arise from safeguarding concerns.
The school has adopted the Child Protection/Safeguarding Policy from Lancashire County Council. For a hard copy of this policy, please contact the school office, otherwise please click the link below.
At RAMJS we believe it is our core purpose to build ‘Brighter futures’ for all the children in our care. Through our unique curriculum we provide a high-quality learning experience that is strengthened by our whole child approach; supporting children both emotionally and academically. The golden thread running through everything we do is safeguarding and as a school we recognise the fundamental duty we have to keep our children safe.
Our 6 school values support us in our safeguarding duty of care:
We are Ambitious for our children-we teach them about keeping safe using our Kid Safe programme and through our PHSE/RSE education where we talk openly about feelings, safe touch and about keeping themselves safe.
We are Courageous for our children, using our safeguarding procedures where concerns are raised, acting in the best interests of our children especially during difficult times. We teach our children about the importance of courage, standing up for what is right and embed safeguarding practices into our curriculum especially within our Online Safety lessons as we recognise that modern technology has changed the challenges our young people face today.
We show Respect to our children, their families, and the wider community. We work tirelessly to establish strong relationships built on trust that help us to provide the right support for all stakeholder, especially when things may feel challenging. We respect the voice of the child and use this to be positive advocates to ensure they remain safe, both physically and emotionally. We teach the children about respecting themselves and respecting other, linking again to our PHSE/RSE/R.E. curriculum.
We show Love in all we do at RAMJS. This may be through a love of learning or the love we feel for our RAMJS school family. The theme of love running through our school is underpinned by our moral and core purpose to treat each other equally and to keep each other safe. The staff, children, parents/carers and governors form part of the RAMJS family and we work together to make our school a safe space for learning and living.
We live in Hope that all we do helps to keep the RAMJS family safe. We are hopeful that our robust safeguarding practices, unique curriculum, outreach work and ongoing commitment to safeguarding the needs of the children and all other stakeholders continue to impact on the Ribbleton Community and beyond. We utilise the expertise of our staff, especially in the Heart Room to develop a nurturing environment that gives children a place to reflect, feel safe and build on their sense of hope for their own futures and the futures of others.
We have Faith; faith in ourselves, faith in others and faith in our own God. We recognise our difference and celebrate our uniqueness whilst supporting our children to have strength in who they are and who they hope to be. During difficult times we draw on our faith and gathered strength to help each other and look for guidance to ensure we are making the right, courageous decisions when keeping our children and the school community safe.
We live our values through our daily worship, encouraging British Values alongside out 6 School values. The purpose of worship at RAMJS is to build tolerance, understanding and a strong sense of community whilst supporting our children to be thinkers with a confidence in their own voices.