This week in our worship we are looking at Harvest and have linked this to our school value of Faith. Harvest is celebrated throughout the world and in different ways in different faiths. We plan to collect food donations this week to share with our local food banks. Whilst Harvest is a time for us to celebrate, it is also an opportunity to reflect and give back especially to those who need it the most.
Click on the link above to watch 6M's HARVEST ASSEMBLY
Our Year 6M class have produced a wonderful HARVEST ASSEMBLY for us to enjoy focussing on the journey of food as it travels from destination to destination before finally landing on our plates.
Scarily, there are some hard hitting facts about the impact of the food industry and the use of single use plastics. Every piece of plastic ever made is still on our planet and will never fully disappear resulting in over 70% of all seabirds having traces of plastic in their stomach and many sea creatures regularly digesting our plastic waste!
If that isn't enough to scare us into action, I do not know what will!
Thank you Year 6M, you make a compelling case for change!