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In the teaching of English, each year group uses a range of high quality texts, films, pictures and other stimuli to engage children in their learning. These stimuli may be used for up to a half term, from which a broad range of genre and text-types can be covered. Where these texts link to a topic, the English is taught as part of the topic.

For Example:

In Year 3-6 during Cycle A, the whole school will be looking at the topic of War (WW2 in Y3/4 and WW1 in Y5/6). 

During these English units, the classes will look at the following text types:



Autumn 2

Year 3

Unit Title –

 Air raid


Unit Title –

Evacuee diaries

Unit Title –

Shape poems

Year 4

Unit Title –

The Piano (WWII) Biography

Unit Title –

Poem on a Theme (WWII)

Year 5

Unit Title – Under Attack based on Stay Where You Are Then Leave

Story set in a historical setting


Unit Title – Under Attack based on Stay Where You Are Then Leave


Unit Title – Under Attack based on Where the Poppies Grow

Visual poetry (blackout poetry)


Year 6

Unit Title – Under Attack - WW1/Narrative with Historical Setting


(Ghost Soldier)



This ensures that there is continued progression through the topic themes and whilst the learning topic is unique to school, the curriculum is built around the National Curriculum Objectives.


Example from Year 3 Unit:


Unit Title – World War 2 – Narrative text

Key Text – Air raid

Duration – 3 weeks

Unit Outcome – To write a short story based on a topic


Key Objectives –

  • Read and enjoy a historical text
  • Gather vocabulary, structure and ideas from a text
  • Create a story map based on a text
  • Write a historical story based on class text

Reading –

  • Identify, discuss and collect favourite words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination.
  • Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words by using the context.
  • Discuss their understanding of the text.
  • Draw inferences around characters thoughts, feelings and actions, and justify with evidence from the text.
  • Make predictions based on details stated.
  • Identify a key idea in a paragraph.






Writing –

  • Making predictions
  • Setting descriptions
  • Think, say, feel bubbles
  • Story mountain
  • Historical story



Unit Title –World war 2- Non-fiction

Key Text – Evacuee diaries

Duration – 3 weeks

Unit Outcome – To write a diary as an evacuee


Key Objectives – 

  • Read a variety of diary entries
  • Identify features, language and structure
  • Gather ideas and plan a diary entry
  • Write a first-person account as an evacuee


Reading –

  • Prepare for research by identifying what is already known about the subject and key questions to structure the task.
  • Evaluate how specific information is organised within a non-fiction text e.g. text boxes, contents, bullet points, glossary, diagrams.
  • Quickly appraise a text to evaluate usefulness.
  • Navigate texts in print and on screen.
  • Record information from a range of non-fiction texts.










Writing –

  • *Make text comparisons
  • *record magpied ideas
  • *shared write opportunities
  • *independent write
  • *Edit and redraft
  • *Share with the class- evaluate




Unit Title – World War 2 –poetry

Key Text – Shape poems

Duration – 2 weeks

Unit Outcome – To create a share poem



Key Objectives –

  • Read a variety of shape poems
  • Identify features, language and structure
  • Gather ideas and plan a shape poem
  • Create a shape poem linked to topic work

Reading –

  • Evaluate how specific information is organised within a non-fiction text e.g. text boxes, contents, bullet points, glossary, diagrams.
  • Discuss the themes of the poems
  • Identify, discuss and collect favourite words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination.
  • Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words by using the context.
  • Use dictionaries to check meanings of words they have read.
  • Use intonation, tone and volume when reading aloud.


Writing –

  • Poetry reviews
  • vocabulary banks
  • Sentence structure word
  • Gathering adjectives
  • Planning a poem
  • Creating a poem within a shape


Where it does not link, the English forms a mini-topic of its own, running alongside the class topic. Grammar and punctuation are taught through and outside of the texts as a regular part of the weekly planning.

Year 3 objectives:



Grammar –

  • Inverted commas
  • Paragraphs
  • Plurals
  • Homophones




Grammar –

  • Paragraphs
  • Past tense
  • First person
  • Subordinate clauses


Grammar –

  • Perfect form of verbs
  • Word families



To support this, we use exciting resources from Grammarsaurus to enhance the teaching and the skills are embedded within the topic and planned writing opportunities.


