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Reading and Spelling

Home reading

Children will bring their reading books home every day and are required to return them every school day. They are expected to read at home everyday and we would appreciate if you or another adult family member could sign to confirm that they have read at least 2 pages. It would be extremely beneficial if your child could read to you, or another adult, as frequently as possible and we would welcome and appreciate any comments from you!


Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is a fantastic website with a large, free ebook library that group books by age and by the books bands we use at school. Just click the link below and children can explore a wider range of books. 


Link to Oxford Owl


Children will be set a list of spellings, weekly, to learn and will be tested every Monday in class. They will be uploaded on this page and on to Seesaw every Monday. These spelling lists are examples of the spelling rule that the children are learning about that week in class. Please remind your child to practice them, they can use the accompanying word search on Seesaw to practice if they wish.
