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The Heart Room

Mrs Tugwell is the teaching assistant who supports children in the Heart room




Mrs Leeming, our Family Support Worker, also works in the Heart Room supporting Mrs Tugwell as well as our parents.

Her page can be found here:


What is the Heart room?

The Heart room is a place in the heart of the school. The purpose of this room and the role of Mrs Tugwell is to provide emotional support to all our children who need it.

Mrs Tugwell provides bespoke support for pupils with additional emotional or behavioural needs. This includes a range of group sessions or individual sessions. Some of the group sessions include:

Friendship groups

Nurture Groups

Lego Therapy

Play Doh Therapy

Play Groups

Social Stories

Restorative Sessions


The Heart Room is also available for all children to access throughout the day if they want to. 


The children in school have a very good relationship with Mrs Tugwell and the heart room is a trusted environment where children feel safe and secure.


