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Class Teacher: Miss Parkinson

Teaching Assistant: Miss Harty.






Important information


Your child will be given a new reading record at the start of the academic year. This, with their reading book, needs to be brought in to school everyday. Please ensure that you are listening to your child read as often as possible, but at least three times per week. Each time you listen to your child read, please sign their reading record. Children are able to change their home reading books at any point throughout the week as long as it has been handed in, and it has been signed by a parent of guardian. Books cannot be changed unless the reading record is signed by a parent / guardian.



The children will be set homework on a Friday which is to be handed in by the following Wednesday. All children will be given paper copies of homework and will be provided with a folder to keep them in. Please make sure that your child returns their homework in the folder so that the next week's homework can be placed inside to take home. 



The children will be given weekly spellings to practise at home. It is important that your child is practising them as often as possible. Children will be given a spelling book, to be kept in school, that they can write their spellings down in to practice at school. They can also write their spellings down in the back of their home reading record so that they can practise them at home.

Spellings will be set on a Friday and the children will be tested on the following Friday. 



Our PE days in 4R are on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school including suitable footwear so that they can participate in the lessons safely. If you child has their ears pierced, please ensure that they do not come to school with earrings in on the day that they have PE.


Outdoor Education

Your child will have outdoor education every two weeks on a Tuesday morning, beginning 10th September. Please ensure that your child comes to school suitably dressed in clothes that can get dirty and are suitable for the weather conditions. Even in wet / cold weather, the children will still be doing activities outside so will need warm, waterproof clothing as and when required. Children can bring wellies into school when they have outdoor education. Please also make that they bring another pair of shoes with them i.e. trainers that they can change into after their outdoor education lesson.

Topic Overview

Academic Year 2024/2025


Please use this page to keep updated with your child's learning and remember, we are always happy to speak to you about any queries you may have.

Autumn 1- Ruthless Romans

Topic Overview
