For Health and Safety reasons children should not wear jewellery in school unless for religious reasons.
If earrings must be worn, they should be plain stud earrings only and must be removed on P.E. days. School staff are not able to remove earrings for children.
Children with pierced ears may wear small studs, except during physical activities, the School accepts no responsibility for any resulting damage or injury.
County Regulations and Guidelines state that jewellery of any kind (including earrings and ear studs) is removed for physical education because of the danger of injury to the wearer and/or other pupils in the class.
Whenever possible children should be able to remove their own jewellery before a P.E. lesson. Where this is not possible parents should ensure that jewellery is not worn on days when P.E. activities take place.
If you plan to have your child’s ears pierced, it would be helpful for this to take place at the start of the summer holiday so that the time is available before earrings can be removed. If necessary, however, studs in newly pierced ears may be protected by plaster tape supplied by parents.
Hair styles/ Hair Accessories
We ask that hair styles in school are sensible and suitable for a place of learning. Children should not be coming to school with coloured hair.
Hair accessories should be Black, White, Grey or Red. Please do not send children in bright coloured hair bows, hair clips.
Smart Watches
As technology continues to move on rapidly, it has come to our attention that some 'child-friendly' smart watches can now take photographs. Please be aware that these watches are not suitable for school due to this feature, which raises privacy and safeguarding concerns. If your child has one of these watches then please ensure that they are not worn to school. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding