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Digital Newletter 22.05.2020

Please find attached a Video Newletter with additional information below:




Dear Parents and Carers,


Firstly, a massive thank you for the support you and your families have shown to us during COVID 19.

It has been great to keep in touch with everyone via Seesaw/Email/Phone. Seeing and hearing about all the wonderful things the children have been doing has helped us feel closer to you all and we are so proud of our children. 

In the current circumstances you have all been amazing, and you are doing a fantastic job. I know you are doing this whilst being busy working, juggling home schooling and family commitments so congratulate yourself and take the praise you deserve. Think of all the wonderful things you are doing and have achieved with your children. You are providing emotional support for them in challenging times; you and your child’s/ children’s well-being is paramount. We are all on our own journey currently and circumstances are different for each one of us. At this time, when there are so many uncertainties, working together as a team/family, knowing we are all in this together can help give us the support and stability we need.


As you are aware we have continued to remain open during the crisis to support those children and families of critical workers and for those children deemed to be vulnerable. We appreciate the time you have taken to support your child with their online learning.


You will be aware the Prime Minister has announced that, at the earliest, there could be a possible phased extension of the opening of schools from the 1st June, depending on the five government tests being completed.


Following the Government announcement about the possible Phased Re-opening of schools from June 1st 2020, the Senior Leaders and Governing Body at RAMJS have been working on assessing the risks of increasing the number of children and staff in school.


The guidance makes it clear that each governing body has responsibility for decisions made at this time, and must plan any reopening based on what they know about their community needs, facilities and staff availability.


So in line with this advice from the Local Authority, and providing scientific evidence supports it, we will be extending the proposed opening date of our school to Year 6) to June 8th at the earliest and subject to the 5 government tests and scientific evidence supporting a safe phased return for children and staff. The Key Worker provision will continue to run as normal since 23rd March 2020.


It is not yet decided when other year groups will return but ideally all children will be back at school as soon as it is safe for them to be there and social distancing measures can be implemented. We will send details of how children will return (staggered start and finishing times, social distancing measures etc.) in future notifications.


As previously explained, the Government have identified a long list of recommendations for us to follow in order to prevent the spread of COVID 19 once schools are phased open. Below is some of the changes planned to support a safe return to school:


  • Increase hand washing and added hand santisation units
  • Increased cleaning throughout the school
  • Limited children to ‘Bubbles’ of 10 children and 1 Adult
  • Put social distances measures of 2 metres throughout school
  • Staggered Start/ Break / Lunch / Finish times
  • Cashless System for lunch payments etc. via ParentPay
  • Limited all parent access to site unless in an emergency
  • Families/staff will be expected to practice social distancing (until government restrictions lifted)


We have started preparing school for the return of some of our children, for example – further deep cleaning, the packing away of non-essential items, re-arranging furniture etc. As you can appreciate, school will therefore look and feel like a very different place.


We will continue to liaise with you, regarding the next steps to extending our school opening.

I know it can be confusing with so much information to take in but if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. As you can appreciate, information is changing rapidly and this can alter the plans we have made but you can rest assured our main focus in anything we decide is for everyone’s safety.


Thank you once again for your understanding and team work, together we will help each other stay strong and face the ever changing situation. Stay safe.


I would like to wish you all a lovely May half term holiday and a very Happy Eid for those of you who will be celebrating.  You remain in our thoughts and prayers.  Stay Safe.


Warmest Wishes



Mrs. F Nickson



