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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Donations to support families in Ukraine

    Mon 28 Feb 2022 Mrs Nickson

    To our RAMJS Family,


    I know that like the RAMJS team, your thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine at this terrible time.

    We have been notified that trucks in the UK are taking emergency items to the borders and we have offered our school to be a donation point. If you would like to donate any of the suggested items below please send them into school by Wednesday 3:10pm on the 2nd March where Mrs Tipton will transport the goods to the main donation point in Whalley.



    - packed/canned food with long "use by" date (something that does not require cooking)

    - energy bars

    - dried fruits

    - rice

    - pasta

    - sleeping bags

    - blankets

    - water proof covers and clothing

    - CLEAN (!) kids clothes (this includes coats and underwear)

    - formula milk for babies

    - smaller size toys

    - nappies (for kids but also adult sizes)

    - sanitary pads

    - CLEAN (!) clothes for women and man

    - toothbrushes, soap, shower gels, shampoos etc,

    - towels

    - paper towels

    - wet tissues

    - facemasks

    - cutlery, plates, cups etc (cutlery metal, other items plastic)

    - torches

    - batteries

    - paracetamol or other painkillers

    - bandages and plasters

    - anything else that you think could be of use to those that left their homes in rush with a single bag


    Polish trucks in the UK are taking back loads to the boarders to be distributed - donations will go to the Stoke centre then on to Poland.


    We thank you in advance for your support and are grateful for any donation of items that you can offer at this time.

  • Year 5 Hothersall Lodge Residential

    Fri 25 Feb 2022 Mrs Nickson

    What a fantastic night away our year 5 children have had at Hothersall Lodge! I could not be prouder of the determination and positive attitude our wonderful pupils have shown. From hill walking to orienteering, obstacles courses to making their own fires and dens, they have thrived with this opportunity to embrace a digital free night away in a beautiful, natural environment. They have been a credit to school, to you as parents and most importantly, to themselves!


    Pictures can be found on our Facebook page and on our school website.


    Tue 22 Feb 2022 Miss Musa

    WORLD BOOK DAY is being celebrated in school on FRIDAY 4th MARCH!

    This year we are inviting staff and children to come to school dressed as any favourite character from any book! We can’t wait to see your outfits!


    As always, we want to make this as easy as possible for our families. Please feel free to buy costumes; to make them; to re-wear any old ones if they still fit or to do whatever works best for you and your children!

  • Children’s Mental Health Week

    Tue 08 Feb 2022 Miss Musa

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    This week, 7th – 13th February, is “Children’s Mental Health Week” and this year’s theme is Growing Together.

    “Children’s Mental Health Week” is run by the charity 'Place2be', and focusses on the importance of promoting good mental health and wellbeing for children and young people. This year Growing Together is about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow and reach our full potential. It focusses on how challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt to new things. 

    This week in school the children will be taking part in a virtual assembly and carrying out activities in class to support this years theme of Growing Together.

    The 'Place2be' website has lots of free resources to help children explore, what it means to grow together, stay happy, healthy and safe. There are also some resources on there for you as parents and carers to help and support your child at home. These articles set out to inform about many topics such as the need for consequences and boundaries and helpful hints about reading with your child. Follow the links below for more details.

    Thank you for your continued support.



    Kind regards,

    Miss House

    PSHE lead
