Dear Parent/Guardian,
As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage pupil interest in reading, the school is having a World Book Day on Thursday 4th March. Although, this day might be a little different to previous years as we adapt to home learning.
On this special day, children who attend school can come in dressed as their favourite character or author from any book. If your child is learning from home, we would still like them to dress up and upload a picture to our Seesaw World Book Day Dress Up activity. They could even read aloud and record their favourite story for the class to listen to.
During this special day and week build up, the children will be participating in lots of exciting activities on Seesaw. Classes will be joining interactive lessons with famous authors and illustrators, taking part in lots of fun quizzes and reading activities and just generally having lots of fun!
Mrs Tipton has been busy with our ‘Masked Reader Challenge.’ Keep an eye out for this on Seesaw and our Facebook page!
We will also be holding a virtual book fair. Go to Please place your order online by March 8th, 2021.
Reading different books every evening, in preparation for World Book Day would be great! So get thinking and reading! We look forward to seeing your child dressed up for the special day on Thursday 4th March, whether this is at home or in school.
Thank you for your engagement in reading,
The RAMJS team