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Home Reading


Wednesday 20th January 2021


Dear Parent / Carer,


Home Reading


Reading together at home is one of the most important ways in which you can help your child. As you share books, you are helping improve their reading skills and understanding of the world as well as showing them how important and enjoyable reading is. If you have any spare time, please, please read with your child. Please read the eBooks on the Oxford Owl website or any other books you have at home. Each child has a password for this which has been shared on Seesaw.


If you are not sure of the appropriate tier of Oxford Owl texts for your child to access, please contact your child's class teacher via Seesaw. This is the link to the

Oxford Owl website -


We are aware that life at home during lockdown can be filled with love and laughter but there are also times when life can be a little stressful. Please try to find 5-10 minutes each day to read with your child as this will be beneficial in helping your child become a more fluent reader.


We have devised an online form for you to complete; this is replacing the Reading Record whilst your child is at home. Please endeavour to complete it when you hear your child read. Completing this form will help us identify where and when additional support is required. The link to the form is below and we will send it via a text message too.


Key Stage 2 Home Reading Form


Virtual Library

The Oak National Academy has worked in partnership with the National Literacy

Trust to develop a Virtual School Library.


Every week a popular children's author or illustrator will provide your child with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads.

Having access to a school library is really important for your child. School libraries nurture a love of reading that can enrich children’s literacy skills, academic achievements and mental wellbeing.


Oak National Academy’s Virtual School Library will complement existing school libraries and will ensure that your child will have access to the magical world of stories all year round, whether they are learning at school or at home.


The Oak National Academy has worked with brilliant publishers and inspiring authors and illustrators to ensure that the books and activities in their Virtual

School Library will support your child’s wellbeing through reading.

Below is the link to the Virtual Library.


Any questions or queries, please contact your child’s class teacher via Seesaw.




The RAMJS Team


