Dear Parents/ Carers,
We just wanted to say well done to you all! Week 4 and we are all beginning to feel the strain and from what we are seeing on Facebook, Twitter and the news, we are not alone!
We are always inspired by the level of support we have as a school community and the enthusiasm we are seeing from our amazing pupils. Despite a huge expectation nationally to provide an exhausting amount of schoolwork, you continue to keep wowing us with all the amazing contributions we are seeing via Seesaw.
We know this time is hard; juggling work, managing home life, dealing with the unpredictable weather- it all takes its toll on us emotionally and physically and we simply wanted to say 'Thank You' for all you are doing to work with us to keep your children safe and help them learn.
Whilst life is so uncertain, remember to be kind to yourselves. You're doing the best you can right now and we understand that there may have been too many take away meals, a few extra hours in front of the TV or you've spent most of the day in your PJs; all of this is ok!
We know that we’ve got high expectations and we set a lot of work each week. All we ask is that you do your best. Please do not let schoolwork put extra pressure on your child. Everyone’s circumstances are very different and we appreciate that.
If you need support, a chat or a cry, we are here! We have our Virtual Coffee morning running weekly and all the staff are on hand to help where we can.
Take care, stay safe and remember we think you are all doing amazing!
From the RAMJS team.