As you might already be aware, we hold a coffee morning every Thursday in school but his has been put on hold due to the current situation. But this won't stop us from staying in touch!
From tomorrow we will be holding a VIRTUAL coffee morning. This will be done via a WhatsApp group. All the parents who usually attend we will add you to the virtual coffee morning group at some point today, ready for tomorrow morning.
If any more parents would like to join our virtual coffee morning you are more than welcome to. It is a time for us to catch up and have contact with our school community as we are not able to do this in person at the moment. We wanted to do the next best thing for our school communities.
If you would like to join us please send a private inbox message with your name, child's name and mobile phone number and we will add you to the group.
We look forward to catching up with you all tomorrow.
Mrs Leeming and Miss Fitzpatrick.
We look forward to catching up with you all tomorrow.
Mrs Leeming and Miss Fitzpatrick.