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We Miss You All

Dear Parents, Carers and Children,


I hope you are well and looking after yourselves!


In these strange times I want you to know that you are never far from our thoughts and we miss seeing everyone at school.


As we embark on the 5th week of lock down I wanted to reassure you all that you are doing a great job of supporting learning at home but please remember to also be kind to yourselves.


Whenever we are reunited we will work together to get learning back on track.

The most important thing we need you to do is look after the social and emotional well being of yourselves and those you love.

  • Be the calm and the strength for each other 
  • Make time to rest and time to exercise 
  • Share your hidden talents be it cooking or maybe knitting
  • Spend time playing family games like eye spy or board games
  • Write stories together or paint and draw
  • Listen to music and make up dances
  • Smile, talk and laugh together
  • Smile, talk and laugh some more

When we finally come out of this strange time and normality returns, the staff at RAMJS will set about re-establishing learning and that will be much easier with healthy and happy children who have gained life experiences and happy memories of time spent with their loved ones.

“No children are ahead, no children are behind, every child is exactly where they need to be.”

Until we are back together, stay strong, stay safe and stay at home!


Kindest Regards


Mrs Nickson and all the staff at RAMJS
