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Behaviour system

As a Methodist School, we underpin our behaviour systems based on a restorative approach underpinned by our Christian values and beliefs.  We believe the art of forgiveness allows us to learn from our mistakes to help us become the person God intended us to be.


The aim of Restorative Practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships.  As we see ourselves at the heart of and serving our community we aim to put this approach throughout all we do.


In this school, every child matters. Our behaviour policy has been redesigned in 2019
to ensure that our values are better reflected. We have high expectations of all of
our pupils and so our policy is based around the principles of intrinsic motivation for
making the right choices, rather than being rewarded for the basics.


Restorative Practices


-Allow the act (unaccepted behaviour) to be rejected, whilst acknowledging the intrinsic worth of the person and their potential contribution to society.


-Rejects the ‘Act not the Actor’. Separates the ‘Deed from the Doer’


It is a process that puts repairing harm done to relationships and people; reflecting on the act over and above assigning blame and dispensing punishment.  


We know that a whole school restorative approach can contribute to:


  1. Happier and safer schools
  2. Mutually respectful relationships
  3. More effective teaching and learning
  4. Reduced exclusions
  5. Raised attendance
  6. Addresses bullying behaviour
  7. Raises morale and self esteem
  8. Helps promote a culture of inclusion and belonging
  9. Increases emotional literacy


As part of the RP process, child and staff could be involved in meetings, 1:1 sessions, circle time, friendship group, SAP, Nurture and lunchtime restorative reflection activities that include:


The Five RP questions


  1. What happened?
  2. What were you thinking about at the time?
  3. What have your thoughts been since?
  4. Who else has been affected by what you did?
  5. What do you think needs to happen to make things right?



If a child has been harmed by the actions of others, which can if needed include both staff and students, questions could include:


  1. What did you think when you realised what had happened?
  2. What have your thoughts been since?
  3. How has this affected you and others?
  4. What has been the hardest thing for you?
  5. What do you think needs to happen to make things right?


It is important that staff deal with situations to establish and develop their own relationships.  


Listed below are some examples of effective statements and questions which all staff can use with pupils:



I am sorry that I misunderstood the situation …………

I feel proud of you when I heard …………

I feel really pleased and encouraged that you made the right choice.

I respected your honesty and thank you.

I was very disappointed when you did that to…..

I am upset and angry by what has just happened.

I feel that (describe action) was very disrespectful.


We believe that for our pupils to be successful in adult life, they need to be taught about compassion, forgiveness and respect as are reflected in our values through an effective behaviour system.
